Saturday, September 13, 2008

Incentives Being Offered If You Join (Abundant Living System)

Abundant Living System has some people within the activity offering incentives to those who join their so called "Strong Team". Folks think about it...Abundant Living System has such a strong cash gifting platform in place that it does not require an incentive for one to accept an invitation from an inviter and start helping people from around the world while at the same time being helped yourself.

In fact this is where "Cash Gifting" becomes an "Illegal" activity, when you have people not complying by the rules set out within cash gifting and Abundant Living System.

Abundant Living System (ALS), is a...Cash gifting portal, it's not a business, it's not an affiliate program, it's not a network marketing down line type system, it's plain and simply put...A cash gifting activity platform where people (members) help people (members)!

Folks, if anyone approaches you in such a way about accepting an invitation into ALS (Abundant Living System) by offering you an incentive (Laptop,Posting Software,Money,Vacation Package,etc.) please understand that this individual does NOT care about you not one bit since he/she have been told, foretold, and warned thrice again that this type of reckless, unlawful behavior will NOT be tolerated PERIOD!

Abundant Living System has solid rules in place and a solid system standing behind it, and such enticements are not needed, nor are they legal in cash gifting, most importantly they reek a sense of desperation by an individual doing anything and everything just for the sake of money, and that's why I said above that an individual who acts in such a way could care less about you or your needs...All they want is your MONEY!

It's funny how cash gifting and Abundant Living System all of a sudden has these "Expert Gurus" who claim to generate huge amounts of cash and claim to the same for their team members, yet some of these individuals are the ones offering you the sky along with the clouds if you join their Abundant Living System (ALS) team and are not in compliance with law.

In ending, I say this folks...Beware of those out there who will try to entice you into Abundant Living System, and or any cash gifting activity, cause when it's all said and done, they're actually doing you more harm than good...Look at it this way, it's like accepting a ride in a car with a person who's drunk...You're either gonna crash, or get pulled over!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Who Is (Abundant Living System) Reaching?

Abundant Living System is reaching people from all walks of life, from the United States to several countries around the world. ALS, is not just a cash gifting platform, yet a lifestyle for those who utilize the system the way it's been intended to be utilized.

If you're and individual who enjoys helping others and seek to make a real difference in someones life, well Abundant Living System was designed with you in mind, because helping people realize their dreams and desires is what it's all about.

Folks, I operate fifteen and sometimes as much as twenty different very successful affiliate programs online, and I've been doing so for close to two years now, and many of you know my story, if not you can read my bio here or on my Abundant Living System platform, and many have seen my videos where I mostly seek to inspire people to bring out the best in them, and this is the main reason I chose Abundant Living System over other systems, cause I saw the "People First" attribute and I liked it from the start.

Abundant Living System gives anyone who has dreams and desires to take their current financial situation and either turn it around for the better, or add on to the more, a person may already have.

Cash gifting with (ALS)- Abundant Living System will definitely become an inspiring experience for you when you get involved with a "People First" attitude and truly embody the spirit of a servant to those whom can pay forward the same gesture toward someone else coming on board (Abundant Living System).

Thursday, September 11, 2008

[Abundant Living System] - ALS - [Cash Gifting] - Is It Legal?

Folks Cash gifting is legal as long as it's done according to law and not done haphazardly as some out there are doing. Understand that the gifting principle has been around for centuries and people from all walks and cultures generally participate in an gifting activity in one way or another.

Now, what could be considered unlawful may be a system that's put in place that's called a "Cash Gifting" system that may be in non compliance with certain laws. Please make sure that when considering a cash gifting system you do your homework on the system you're considering to participate in, and be certain that the system itself, and how it's operated is in compliance with all of the laws applicable.

Abundant Living System does everything by the book, and is currently the leader in affordable cash gifting. You no longer have to drain your pockets to participate in such a wonderful life changing activity.

I mean think about it...Who wants to dish out $3,500 plus monthly fees for a site that you have to create when you can jump on board with (ALS)(Abundant Living System) for as little as $150 (Cash Gift) and an annual $50 admin fee that will provide you with more than enough to start generating thousands right away!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

(Abundant Living System) Leadership In Question?

Hello everyone, again my desire is that all are doing well in every aspect of life, for which I like to call the four corners of life (Physically,Spiritually,Financially, and Emotionally).

ALS or Abundant Living System as many know is helping people the world over realize one of those four corners (Financially)daily.

"Cash gifting" with "Abundant Living System" requires you to be a leader and I know that some that are reading this may hate what I'm saying because they want to give you the impression that their way is "The Way" yet the fact remains we are all on a continued path to learning the ropes of internet marketing and a life long path to understanding life itself.

Abundant Living System (ALS) is based upon leadership from all angles and if you're reading this right now I want you to realize the fact that leadership qualities are within you already and have been since birth, you just may not realize it.

If you're considering cash gifting with Abundant Living System and think that someone is going to take you by the hand and treat you like an infant, stop what you're doing and reshape your thought process this instant, because that WILL NOT HAPPEN!

Folks, know this one thing....You've got what it takes to lead yourself into financial freedom regardless if you have marketing skills or not, you have leadership qualities that will enable you to build your marketing skills overtime, and these qualities are embedded into every ounce of your DNA...Remember that!

ALS is helping people change their lives with their incredible tools and leadership/mentor training that will help those who've not yet realize their potential in this arena to take their world on by storm!

Folks, as always, God speed, and I'll talk to you soon.

Your Buddy,
Phil Miranda

Monday, September 8, 2008

Family Time With [Abundant Living System]

Folks this weekend was very "Special" to say the least and Abundant Living System has a lot to do with that.

My wife celebrated her 27th high school graduation reunion this past weekend and I felt like staying home and working on a video and catching up some on several of my affiliate websites, but after a few moments (about 1-2 minutes) of consideration I said hey..."You only live moments like these ONCE"!

So we made reservations and decided to go, when all of a sudden my much anticipated check (affiliate check) that I was looking forward in using for this trip did not arrive on time, yet 2 cash gifts in excess of $500 did arrive and they made our trip even that more memorable.

If it were not for Abundant Living System and cash gifting the trip would still have been made, yet I would have had to dig into our savings which I do not like doing, like I know many of you don't

ALS is special because it's the only cash gifting platform that's flawlessly designed with everyone in mind, and allows anyone the opportunity to experience cash gifting success rather quickly, due to an extensive training area that can be found in each members back office.

There are some people that have joined Abundant Living System that are literally generating cash at the equivalent of annual salaries in only 30 days!

I have been able to receive multiple cash gifts daily because of ALS and their amazing program that's fully automated and turnkey in every angle possible. The folks at ALS really thought this thing out before they put it out there.