Friday, September 5, 2008

Abundant Living System - Beware!

Abundant Living System (ALS)is currently the online leader in cash gifting, yet like with any other program you must be discerning when it comes to your inviter into this or any cash gifting activity, especially online.

Cash Gifting is an activity that's based on trust, not greed as I've stated before and what one needs to know before getting involved with Abundant Living System is the fact that cash gifting is NOT a business, investment, or anything pertaining to making money, rather it's all about generating money, receiving cash gifts with no expectations from the giver to receive anything back of value, such as merchandise, benefits, favors or anything as such.

With that being said the person receiving the gift may offer an individual anything they want after the fact, NOT before (Prior to someone accepting an invitation) so that the activity of cash gifting can remain a legal form of itself without any faults or illegalities whatsoever.

Now with such strict rules and measures in place you'll always find someone who thinks that they can bend/break them by adding or taking away from such a life enhancing activity.

Folks, beware of those you see on videos bragging about how much cash they have from cash gifting and how everyone else should feel broke and miserable because they have a job. (How else would gifters receive gifts if it were not for those who may have to hold down a job)

Cash gifting and in particular Abundant Living System is not designed for just anybody, and as long as people see that, everything should work out fine!

Folks if you have any questions into Abundant Living System or Cash Gifting make sure you call my 24 hour toll free cash gifting/abundant living system hotline! 1-866-461-7589

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Abundant Living System and Testimonials - Why These Words Are Powerful!

Hey everyone, today I would like to share with you the very important meanings of two powerful words and how these words will affect your life once you accept our invitation to join our incredible fully automated, turnkey cash gifting program.

Websters Dictionary defines the word "Abundant" as a: marked by great plenty (as of resources) b: amply supplied.

The word Testimony is defined by Websters as 1 a (1): the tablets inscribed with the Mosaic law (2): the ark containing the tablets b: a divine decree attested in the Scriptures2 a: firsthand authentication of a fact : evidence b: an outward sign c: a solemn declaration usually made orally by a witness under oath in response to interrogation by a lawyer or authorized public official3 a: an open acknowledgment b: a public profession of religious experience.

Folks, when you allow your mind to ingest these words into the inner core of your super subconscious you are literally embedding a fabric of universal structure into your life that will propel it to another level.

Cash gifting is an activity based on patience, not haste, trust, and honesty, not greed, and dishonesty, and when you factor in such powerful words like "
Abundant Living System" and "Testimony" you see first hand that excitement and joy loom in the air.

Society is filled with Abundance, yet many fail to acknowledge it, or in some cases accept it cause of misconceived notions of guilt and or fear about truly experiencing abundant living in every area of life not just monetarily , but with a sense of passion that is literally the framework of our being and for us to share and "Testify" about the greatness instilled within each of us.

Abundant Living System redefines what online cash gifting is all about and that is why they offer a testimonial hotline so that members of this great activity have an opportunity to share with visitors why they feel so strongly about cash gifting and ALS.