Abundant Living System has some people within the activity offering incentives to those who join their so called "Strong Team". Folks think about it...Abundant Living System has such a strong cash gifting platform in place that it does not require an incentive for one to accept an invitation from an inviter and start helping people from around the world while at the same time being helped yourself.
In fact this is where "Cash Gifting" becomes an "Illegal" activity, when you have people not complying by the rules set out within cash gifting and Abundant Living System.
Abundant Living System (ALS), is a...Cash gifting portal, it's not a business, it's not an affiliate program, it's not a network marketing down line type system, it's plain and simply put...A cash gifting activity platform where people (members) help people (members)!
Folks, if anyone approaches you in such a way about accepting an invitation into ALS (Abundant Living System) by offering you an incentive (Laptop,Posting Software,Money,Vacation Package,etc.) please understand that this individual does NOT care about you not one bit since he/she have been told, foretold, and warned thrice again that this type of reckless, unlawful behavior will NOT be tolerated PERIOD!
Abundant Living System has solid rules in place and a solid system standing behind it, and such enticements are not needed, nor are they legal in cash gifting, most importantly they reek a sense of desperation by an individual doing anything and everything just for the sake of money, and that's why I said above that an individual who acts in such a way could care less about you or your needs...All they want is your MONEY!
It's funny how cash gifting and Abundant Living System all of a sudden has these "Expert Gurus" who claim to generate huge amounts of cash and claim to the same for their team members, yet some of these individuals are the ones offering you the sky along with the clouds if you join their Abundant Living System (ALS) team and are not in compliance with law.
In ending, I say this folks...Beware of those out there who will try to entice you into Abundant Living System, and or any cash gifting activity, cause when it's all said and done, they're actually doing you more harm than good...Look at it this way, it's like accepting a ride in a car with a person who's drunk...You're either gonna crash, or get pulled over!