Saturday, September 20, 2008

Abundant Living System Vs. Other Cash Gifting Programs

Abundant Living System has been online now for two full months as of September 17,2008 and has changed the landscape in cash gifting and continues to do so daily.

Cash gifting systems on the internet are constantly trying to keep up yet are struggling with the fact that ALS - Abundant Living System has implemented mind boggling techniques that were very carefully planned and not just made up along the way.

Abundant Living System has recently announced the addition of two new features and promises to add more beneficial features as time follows, and when it's all said and done, Abundant Living System already has more than enough to stay on top of the cash gifting community, but ALS wants to make certain that its members are well taken care of.

Are you still on the sidelines trying to figure out what to do? Well I'll share a story with you about what happened to me this past week, in fact it's happened twice in the last two weeks.

Abundant Living System provides its members with an email blaster in the back office that allows us to send/blast a message to all of our optin prospects into our Abundant Living System site, and as usual I send a message each week to my optins, but what makes these past two weeks so different is the fact that I've had two people contact me back about Abundant Living System (ALS) to get more information about it since they had since joined another cash gifting program, yet were not completely satisfied with what they got into.

Abundant Living System is that good of a program, that folks that who are jumping aboard other cash gifting programs are now realizing that they've made a mistake and feel the need to see what's going on with ALS (Abundant Living System).

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Abundant Living System - New Marketing Features!

Abundant Living System has added a really cool feature to our members back page.

Now when your prospects hit this page, they will be greeted by a virtual guide that will introduce how the call back system works. This is just ONE of the many enhancements (ALS) Abundant Living System is implementing!

Abundant Living System top leaders put together a fail proof marketing system that will go hand in hand with the current Abundant Living System platform.

When I saw this I said to myself.."Wow...every [Abundant Living System]ALS member should have this!"

Operation20k and Abundant Living System - ALS have teamed up to bring you an incredible "SELF BRAND ABLE" marketing system that will truly assist you in generating more opt ins, call backs and gifts then you can even imagine and it all ties into your ALS website.

You may be asking yourself...why do I need Operation20K?

It's simple...Operation20K allows you to "tell your story" and truly connect with your prospect letting them know who you are and why you are the right person to team up with.

Don't have a success story yet? No problem! Operation20k allows you to use the success stories of OTHERS to assist you in getting off the ground with Abundant Living System.

Quite simply, it's the best way for you to brand yourself online and experience great success with ALS!

The truth is, our ALS (Abundant Living System) website and system does a GREAT job in showing the ALS program and sharing what we have. However, it's important to brand yourself and show others who you are and why they should gift you! This is where Op20k comes in!

The beauty of it, unlike other marketing systems produced by "top leaders" is that you're branding YOU, NOT the creator of the system!

Think about it...why would you plug into a system that does nothing but promotes and brands the person that created it? I won't mention any names but the other systems out there like this do exactly that! NOT OPERATION 20K!

When you put Operation20k into the mix and let it be the "intro" your prospects receive to Abundant Living System, by the time they get to the ALS website and take our tour, they are more "primed" and ready to go then ever before!

Abundant Living System
is truly leading the path in helping its members, and it shows that ALS is on the cutting edge of cash gifting once again...Stay Tuned!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Abundant Living System - Father Of 5 Generates 30k In 33 Days!

Abundant Living System has helped countless individuals in such a short period of time, and the Abundant Living System [ALS]cash gifting success story I'm about to share with you is verifiable with PROOF!

When I decided to accept my inviter's invitation into Abundant Living System, what struck a cord with me is the fact that this individual was a twice bankrupt father of five children, who also experienced the dreading reality of a foreclosure on top of the bankruptcies in 2005.

Abundant Living System went live online on July 17,2008 and my inviter into the ALS cash gifting platform had already generated $6,500.00 in his first week and half and finished off his first thirty three days with a whopping $30,000.00 in cash because of the cash gifting activity known as Abundant Living System (ALS).

Abundant Living System allowed my inviter to purchase a beautiful home in the mountains of the great state of Pennsylvania and also allowed him to retire early from his job of six years so that he could focus on Abundant Living System full time while at the same time be at home with his family.

This Abundant Living System success story is happening for many who've joined as of late and it is certainly happening for me. I've been a part of the ALS - Abundant Living Family now for five weeks and for the first week did not do anything with ALS since I was out of town, yet in the past two weeks alone I've been able to generate $2,550.00 in CASH with another $2,000 in cash gifts pending in my back office.

Please bear in mind that this is the first time I've ever participated in an online cash gifting activity and yes I still operate fifteen different successful affiliate programs that take up the bulk of my time, not to mention my responsibilities as a father of five (my oldest one is in the USMC)and my participation (Asst. Coach) for three of my children's little league baseball teams.

Abundant Living System is a system that I'm able to manage with only 2-3 hours per day and still generate a full time type income with minimal yet effective effort.

My inviter showed me that Abundant Living System was easy to manage with very powerful results. I've now decided to go ahead and spend more time dedicated to Abundant Living System with an extra 2 hours per day dedicated into this great Cash Gifting activity that has changed my life and the lives of others.

If you feel that cash gifting is an activity that you'd like to participate in I encourage you to go ahead and visit my Abundant Living System page or call my toll free cash gifting 24 hour hotline listed on my pic above, so that I may answer any of your questions in regards to this incredible cash gifting activity known as Abundant Living System.


As of this writing my inviter into Abundant Living System has now generated $40,000.00 in only 8 weeks and has five months worth of living expenses put away in his bank account.


The cash ($2,550.00)I've generated in the past two weeks has been achieved ALL with FREE marketing techniques I teach my team members, and also understand that all of the gifts I've received so far came as a result of me joining Abundant Living System as newbie at only the first level of $150 If I can do can you!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Abundant Living System - Members Reach A Milestone!

Abundant Living System members have exchanged two million dollars in cash gifts amongst ourselves in less than sixty days folks, and we have grown to just about one thousand six hundred members worldwide!

Abundant Living System is not even close to becoming saturated like some have worried about, I mean when you place the numbers (stats) in perspective in the past month the words "Cash Gifting" is used over forty thousand times during searches on Google and "Fast Money" over three hundred thousand times!

Folks, Abundant Living System and its members are reaching daily milestones and shattering previous cash gifting records set in the past by other well known cash gifting systems.

What's so amazing is the fact that Abundant Living System (ALS) has only been around sixty days as of tomorrow September 17,2008.

Why is "ALS" Abundant Living System growing at such an unheard of pace? Because Abundant Living System places the needs of the people first and foremost, that's why, not to mention the groundbreaking resources they have in place set for their members such as the call back feature, upgrade credit feature, affordable gifting levels and the awesome website plus much, much more that help the average individual with zero experience generate cash gifts directly to their front door FAST and EASY!

Abundant Living System - ALS will continue to break these and many more milestones on a daily basis, while others try to catch up, yet with no avail, since those who've looked into cash gifting have realized that Abundant Living System is several steps ahead of any other cash gifting activity online...Hands down!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Abundant Living System - Bankruptcy In The Horizon?

Is Abundant Living System going bankrupt too?

This was a question I was asked by someone who called my toll free cash gifting hotline yesterday. Let me be the first to say just like I told the individual who asked this question...ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!

Abundant Living System is NOT a business so bankruptcy is out of the question when it comes to cash gifting, since ALS (Abundant Living System) is a cash gifting platform it is not a business rather a gifting structure of sorts that's been put in place for people, by people.

Todays economic uncertainty is shattering the confidence in people worldwide because of what seems like daily bad financial news from some of the worlds most largest and at one point seemingly untouchable corporate financial giants that have dominated the financial markets for decades!

Abundant Living System is not and could not be in this or any other financial premise since Abundant Living System (ALS) is not a business, let me repeat this for the umph time...It's NOT a business but a cash gifting activity platform.

Abundant Living System and other cash gifting platforms should actually see an increase in folks coming in in record numbers cause when the going gets tough like it is right now people, human beings, tend to gravitate toward each other and most of the folks out there realize and understand the concept and importance of cash gifting especially in volatile times such as this.

So if anyone ask you the question above as I was asked by this individual let that person understand that Abundant Living System is NOT a business and bankruptcy is out of the question for the cash gifting activity period!

Another way to look at it, is like this...If bankruptcy were, and that's really an improbable "if" to occur in Abundant Living System, and, or cash gifting, then the entire earth, and all six and a half billion of its inhabitants would have to be financially insolvent, now what are the real chances of that happening, I mean really folks.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Abundant Living System - Updated [Marketing] Tips

Abundant Living System (ALS) continues to add and update expert marketing tips for all to benefit from, and what makes Abundant Living System so unique as oppose to other cash gifting platforms, is that the marketing techniques shared with members are not the old outdated copy and pasted type stuff that other programs are currently offering.

The internet changes daily folks, and Abundant Living System [ALS] makes certain to stay on top of the ever changing online landscape that is also known as "Online Marketing".

Folks, the months of September, October, and November are the busiest months in cash gifting since most people are trying to generate that extra cash infusion before the holidays (Christmas) and it's very comforting to know that cash gifting and particularly ALS or Abundant Living System is helping many realize this need especially in such difficult worldwide economic times.

If you're sitting on the sidelines not yet convinced that Abundant Living System (cash gifting) is for you, all I can say is this...Click on the link to my video below titled "Abundant Living System - If You're Considering Joining Watch This" and see for yourself how and why Abundant Living System is changing lives one person at a time!