Abundant Living System is still producing gifts for Phil Miranda despite others who claim to have jumped ship because of the emergence of other cash gifting programs, which may I say that I also belong too, yet the fact remains that Abundant Living System will always have a special place within Phil Miranda's heart since ALS was Phil Miranda's first cash gifting program that he's ever participated in and Abundant Living System still attracts individuals to it's portal since everyone will not grasp, nor accept residual gifting, and with that being said Abundant Living System continues to be part of Phil Miranda's daily cash gifting activity.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Abundant Living System Cash Gifting - www.PhilMiranda.com
Abundant Living System and any other cash gifting activity you may be considering requires that you associate yourself with quality individuals who are going to mentor you and lead you in the right direction.
Cash gifting and for that matter any en devour requires that you interact with good solid standing people if you desire lasting and consistent success in your life which many are finding with the great mentors who are involved with Abundant Living System.
Abundant Living System provides you with all of the tools you will need to generate cash, yet it's up to you when choosing the right mentor that's ready to step up to the plate and help you succeed in your cash gifting activity.
Make sure you contact Phil Miranda if you have any questions pertaining to cash gifting or Abundant Living System.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
[abundant living system] www.PhilMiranda.com
Abundant Living System does it again...It continues to bring about sunshine in Phil Miranda's household despite the pouring rain in North Carolina.
Phil Miranda will show you how to make the Abundant Living System cash gifting activity work for you.
Cash gifting is the easiest way to generate cash fast and also leverage a small gift into thousands of dollars.
If you're on the sidelines and continue to doubt the power of cash gifting feel free to contact Phil Miranda and he'll make sure to answer any of your cash gifting questions and concerns by sharing with you first hand the ease and effectiveness of Abundant Living System.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
[cash gifting] www.PhilMiranda.com
Abundant Living System is currently in the process of making some HUGE updates that will benefit our members even more.
Folks if you've seen my previous video you see where I'm talking about another cash gifting program.
The Global Gifting System is an exclusive more so high end cash gifting program that I'm offering as well.
Abundant Living System is my bread and butter of the three systems that I offer, and as I've stated before diversification is key to any successful marketing campaign.
Go ahead and contact me about all three of my successful cash gifting platforms which are the Abundant Living System, Global Gifting System, The Cash Leveraging System.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Global Gifting System - www.Global-Gifting-System.blogspot.com
Make sure you click on the live link below to see what the fuss is all about....My Wife Thought I Went CRAZY!!!
Monday, October 20, 2008
[cash gifting] (Abundant Living System) www.PhilMiranda.info
Abundant Living System continues to fill my days with great surprises, such as this weekend when on Friday evening I looked into my back office an saw that an individual that I've never spoken to yet viewed one of my videos sent me a $250.00 cash gift via FedEx which I received today (Monday 10/20/2008).
Most incredible was the fact that Sunday was a day in which I spent out of town, and to my amazement when I logged into my back office at around 10:30pm Sunday night (10/19/2008) I noticed two pass up gifts totaling $1,150.00 in cash gifts for this week alone and the week just got started.
Abundant Living System will do the same for you if you allow me the opportunity to mentor you and teach you how to duplicate my FREE marketing techniques I freely share with my team members on a daily basis!
The two pass up gifts I'm receiving means that two of my latest team members will have met their qualifiers and now be able to generate cash gifts for themselves just like I do and many others are doing also.
If you're on the fences as to whether you think this is real, or maybe you feel that you lack the necessary marketing skills, or funds to get this into profit mode...I tell you to think again, yet this time call my 24 hour toll free hotline 1-866-461-7589 and visit my personal website so that you may see for yourself why I'm more than qualified to be your cash gifting mentor.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
[Cash Gifting] www.JoeyKissimmee.com (A REAL Mentor)
Abundant Living System has allowed me not only to generate multiple thousands of dollars in cash, yet what's more important it has allowed me the fortune to meet and align myself with quality, top notch individuals such as Joey Kissimmee and Tony Torres to name a few.
Anyone viewing this blog must take note, and realize that these guys are NUMERO UNO (#1) guys and they have helped hundreds if not thousands of people like myself generate a HUGE amount of cash in an effective and minimal time frame by implementing proven, and priceless techniques that are all put in place for FREE!
If you're serious about generating $10,000 - $100,000 within the next 30-120 days all in cold hard CASH, then make sure you visit Joey at: www.JoeyKissimmee.com and
Friday, October 17, 2008
The Cash Leveraging System [TCLS]
Abundant Living System continues to dominate my diversification in cash generation, yet as of late I've received about dozen calls in the past two weeks with approximately eight individuals who did not have the initial first level gift of $150.00 to be able to participate within my Abundant Living System cash gifting activity.
As I scoured the internet for a solid, reliable, duplicative, and most importantly an inexpensive system, I came across The Cash Leveraging System (TCLS).
The Cash Leveraging System is affordable cash gifting at its finest, built professionally and solidly exceeding the expectations of many within the cash gifting community.
The Cash Leveraging System (TCLS) offers the prospective cash gifting opportunity seeker a realistic and formidable way to leverage a very minimal (less than $1 per day)one time only gift of $25 into thousands of dollars fast and effectively.
Every successful internet marketer like myself offers an array of products, services, or systems that are tailored to the needs of different individuals.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
[Weight Loss] Lose Weight - Diet - Dieting - Health
This video has nothing to do with Abundant Living System, yet I thought that I'd post it for those who need to be inspired to lose weight and realize their goal at becoming healthy.
I guess it has more to do with Abundant Living System than I implied above, since the Bible does inspire us to live life and live it more "Abundantly".
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Abundant Living System - Brand Yourself!
Abundant Living System is a unique system that works and helps the participator receive cash gifts, yet the secret which most gurus will not share with you has nothing to do with advertising.
The dozens of calls I get on a weekly basis are generally geared toward how to advertise a cash gifting activity such as Abundant Living System, and it's usually a newbie marketer on the other end of the line asking these questions.
I tell folks that I speak with that branding themselves as an expert is key to starting out in any business, enterprise, or activity.
Think about it....If you need your cars engine replaced would you take it to a tire shop that specialized only in tire replacement, or would you take your car to an engine restoration mechanic who's sole business is centered around engine replacement.
The same with Abundant Living System and cash gifting.
A lot of newbies are clamoring aboard Abundant Living System thinking that the UPS truck is gonna roll up to the front door of their house with bundles of UPS envelopes filled with cash.
Branding yourself is literally separating yourself from the crowd and telling the world that you are a specialist at what you do and that you have that "Extra" edge over your competitor which he/she lacks.
If you've followed this blog, you'll notice that I rank 1-10 on Google consistently usually ahead of Abundant Living System themselves, and this continues to be accomplished all for FREE!
If you want to learn the secret techniques I utilize daily do not hesitate in contacting me and asking me how you too could pull in the leads and eventually the cash gifts to your front door consistently.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Abundant Living System - Why A Newbie Will Cost You!
Abundant Living System is breaking records in cash gifting, with many people joining from all over the world.
Cash gifting is an excellent alternative to traditional streams of cash generation, and Abundant Living System is leading the path in this arena, yet like with so many promising opportunities a lot of newbies jump on the bandwagon with GOOD intentions but little or no know how.
Abundant Living System is not immune from the newbies who've come on board with the false sense of becoming overnight millionaires.
I for one appreciate the enthusiasm of the newbie marketer, yet realistically explain to them that internet marketing takes time, effort and most importantly dedication to success on a consistent basis.
Abundant Living System, along with mentors like myself provide newbie marketers the duplicative tools needed to progressively succeed with this very lucrative activity.
If you're new to this whole internet experience, and in particularly cash gifting via Abundant Living System, I encourage you to contact me directly so that I may steer you in the right direction, and help you jump start your cash gifting activity into high gear, and eventually CASH to your door ASAP!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
$2,250 In 1 Day - Proof [Cash Gifting] Works!
Cash gifts are so GOOD...especially when I receive multiple gifts like the video above proves.
Abundant Living System will allow you to receive cash gifts like this only if you're willing to open your mind and follow proven techniques I share with my successful team members.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Abundant Living System has more updates to follow in the next few days and weeks to come.
Cash gifting is not only taking off online yet people need to realize that off line marketing techniques is still a huge part of getting the word out to the masses.
Abundant Living System (ALS) cash gifting activity is perfect for the individual who may prefer off line marketing over online marketing.
On a personal note I believe that marketing should be done on every angle both on and off line.
Marketing is an ongoing process of planning and executing the marketing mix for products, services or ideas to create exchange between individuals and organizations.
Marketing tends to be seen as a creative industry, which includes advertising, distribution and selling. It is also concerned with anticipating the customers' future needs and wants, which are often discovered through market research.
Essentially, marketing is the process of creating or directing an organization to be successful in selling a product or service that people not only desire, but are willing to buy.
Therefore good marketing must be able to create a proposition or set of benefits for the end customer that delivers value through products or services.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Abundant Living System - If You're Considering Joining Watch This!
Abundant Living System is helping people realize their dreams of financial freedom rather quickly and effectively utilizing an array of marketing techniques ranging from Google PPC to YouTube videos.
The Abundant Living System cash gifting activity will reinvigorate your hopes of obtaining financial success by simply placing ads and receiving gifts to your front door.
ALS (Abundant Living System)has been the very best activity I've personally been involved with online that has helped me generate cash FAST!
I teach my Abundant Living System (ALS)team members the secrets to free advertising utilizing blogs like this that rank consistently high on Google as well as video advertising that resonates with viewers worldwide.
Abundant Living System is not centered around what members can do for the system, rather what the Abundant Living System will do for its members.
Please stay tuned as this incredible adventure with Abundant Living System continues to truly impact lives in the most positive way possible.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Abundant Living System important update
Abundant Living System has an AMAZING new informative video that is centered around explaining the facts on cash gifting and what Abundant Living System will do for you.
Abundant Living System (ALS) is constantly staying on the cutting edge of cash gifting.
Our system (Abundant Living System)is such a breath of fresh air in this generation of cut and paste marketing, that ALS has NO COMPETITION except for itself of course.
If you're considering joining a cash gifting activity you'll do yourself and loved ones a favor by viewing this informative Abundant Living System video at the top of the screen.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Abundant Living System - Economic Protection
Abundant Living System will provide economic protection especially during the economic perils our country finds itself in today.
Cash gifting is an activity that is shielded from economic turmoil, and Abundant Living System (ALS) will provide that wall of protection that a person needs in order to remain financially solvent.
If you're facing a host of financial dilemmas I urge you to reconsider Abundant Living System as the cash gifting activity that you choose to help you generate the cash you need to not only survive, yet overcome the hard economic times.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Abundant Living System - Cash Gifts While In Church!
Abundant Living System is a 24/7 cash generating worldwide system that works no matter where you're located.
Abundant Living System's web portal is so effective that I was in church this past Sunday and still had people optin to my capture page and accept my invitation into the ALS cash gifting activity while I was out worshiping with my family.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Abundant Living System - Be Yourself!
Abundant Living System personifies excellence in cash gifting and with very good reason. I've found Abundant Living System to be some sort of cash magnet since the system does all the talking for me, and eventually I just sit back and receive cash gifts.
Abundant Living System allows you to just be yourself, and what I mean by that is that you don't have to be a guru, marketing genius, or even a hype man, all you have to do is let Abundant Living System do the talking for you.
ALS -(Abundant Living System)is set up to answer any questions or concerns an individual may have in regards to the cash gifting activity that a newbie to Abundant Living System may not immediately have a response to yet, with the click of the mouse and a few scrolls down either of the many informative pages, the answer will appear.
When I've had people ask me a question that I had second thoughts about I would always refer them back to the Abundant Living System portal and like clockwork it has always worked by answering their question or concern in a precise and effective manner.
Abundant Living System is the cash gifting platform that allows you to be yourself and not someone else.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Abundant Living System [Free Website Traffic] Viral Marketing Tool
Abundant Living System provides a wide array of marketing tools, yet I'm always looking for innovative marketing techniques that I try and test, and this happens to be one of them.
Abundant Living System, cash gifting or any other online program requires that the promoter, advertiser, affiliate, etc. generate traffic, because when it's all said and done traffic is KING!
Click Here To Get Your 1,000,000 REAL Visitors To Your Site FREE!
Friday, September 26, 2008
[Abundant Living System] Financial FREEDOM!
Moments like these are PRICELESS, and very hard to come by if you're not financially free!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Abundant Living System - Laziness May Bring You Cash Gifting SUCCESS!
Abundant Living System prides itself as being the "Premier" cash gifting system online and for good reason. ALS - (Abundant Living System) has broken many long standing online cash gifting records in only sixty short days.
Abundant Living System, does provide extensive training and support, Abundant Living System does provide affordable cash gifting with an entry level one gift of just $150 plus an annual $50 admin fee.
Now with all of the above being said, will Abundant Living System (ALS) work for those who do absolutely nothing...YES!
OMG...How, and why would I say "yes"?
Well the reason I say yes, is due to the fact that Abundant Living System has marketing tools in place that will allow the person who joins the ALS cash gifting platform to benefit from such, as the powerful, and effective, co-op feature that will allow the individual participating in the Abundant Living System advertising co-op to generate HOT leads on autopilot, while the ALS call back feature will follow up with that lead once they request a call back in your back office.
So folks you see...Abundant Living System is truly a remarkable cash gifting opportunity that is very difficult, and I would really say, Impossible to pass up!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Abundant Living System - Another Gift Directly To My Door!
Abundant Living System is daily making my life that much easier with each passing moment. Just to think...Only six short weeks ago I started my venture into cash gifting and Abundant Living System was the cash gifting platform I chose because it did and still does rank head and shoulders above the rest!
I believe that this video will inspire you to call me or contact my Abundant Living System portal so that you too may experience this life changing activity first hand.
Abundant Living System you will find is the cash gifting platform you'll need to start generating cash quickly, and effortlessly to your front door on a daily, weekly, or even monthly basis, however you see fit.
One last thought before I end this writing...DO NOT allow anyone to try and talk you out of ALS (Abundant Living System) and or cash gifting, cause if they attempt to so, they're either ignorant to the whole cash gifting concept and the way it works or they just simply DO NOT want you to succeed, so be careful, be very careful in fact for those naysayers, and tire kickers who are standing on the sidelines with the spirit of poverty written all over them...Make your move into Abundant Living System and this cash gifting activity today!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Abundant Living System - It's As Easy As You Make It!
Abundant Living System, is an activity that is not complicated at all when you factor in the way everything is set up.
Marketing your Abundant Living System (ALS) portal should not be a laborious task, and some folks just make things harder on themselves unnecessarily because in their minds it seems like they have to compete with the next person that's marketing an Abundant Living System cash gifting platform.
My suggestion for anyone, even experienced marketers, is to go ahead and view the training guide Abundant Living System (ALS) offers, beacuse when it comes down to it the basics never fail.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Abundant Living System - False Hopes!
Abundant Living System is NOT a magic potion of some sort that will start generating cash immediately for those who just come on board and do nothing.
Abundant Living System is a cash gifting platform that when followed and applied according to the marketing/training guide provided in the back office WILL generate results!
If you're the type of individual who's self motivated and determined to succeed then Abundant Living System will work for you, just about anything you do will in fact work for you, yet if you're an individual who expects something for nothing, well then keep on hoping, cause you'll get exactly that NOTHING!
ALS - (Abundant Living System) will make a significant difference in a persons life when the individual views this platform as a "Cash Gifting" activity, not a business and not a job, yet a private, by invitation only community of people helping people.
Cash gifting is such a spiritually linked activity that most individuals have a difficult time comprehending the universal laws that govern the concept of giving and receiving.
Abundant Living System teaches these universal principles, and educates people on how and what cash gifting is and how it may change their lives for the better once certain techniques are put in motion.
If you're considering cash gifting, and Abundant Living System (ALS) feel free to contact me, and I'll make sure to share with you the secrets I utilize to generate daily cash.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Abundant Living System Vs. Other Cash Gifting Programs
Abundant Living System has been online now for two full months as of September 17,2008 and has changed the landscape in cash gifting and continues to do so daily.
Cash gifting systems on the internet are constantly trying to keep up yet are struggling with the fact that ALS - Abundant Living System has implemented mind boggling techniques that were very carefully planned and not just made up along the way.
Abundant Living System has recently announced the addition of two new features and promises to add more beneficial features as time follows, and when it's all said and done, Abundant Living System already has more than enough to stay on top of the cash gifting community, but ALS wants to make certain that its members are well taken care of.
Are you still on the sidelines trying to figure out what to do? Well I'll share a story with you about what happened to me this past week, in fact it's happened twice in the last two weeks.
Abundant Living System provides its members with an email blaster in the back office that allows us to send/blast a message to all of our optin prospects into our Abundant Living System site, and as usual I send a message each week to my optins, but what makes these past two weeks so different is the fact that I've had two people contact me back about Abundant Living System (ALS) to get more information about it since they had since joined another cash gifting program, yet were not completely satisfied with what they got into.
Abundant Living System is that good of a program, that folks that who are jumping aboard other cash gifting programs are now realizing that they've made a mistake and feel the need to see what's going on with ALS (Abundant Living System).
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Abundant Living System - New Marketing Features!
Abundant Living System has added a really cool feature to our members back page.
Now when your prospects hit this page, they will be greeted by a virtual guide that will introduce how the call back system works. This is just ONE of the many enhancements (ALS) Abundant Living System is implementing!
Abundant Living System top leaders put together a fail proof marketing system that will go hand in hand with the current Abundant Living System platform.
When I saw this I said to myself.."Wow...every [Abundant Living System]ALS member should have this!"
Operation20k and Abundant Living System - ALS have teamed up to bring you an incredible "SELF BRAND ABLE" marketing system that will truly assist you in generating more opt ins, call backs and gifts then you can even imagine and it all ties into your ALS website.
You may be asking yourself...why do I need Operation20K?
It's simple...Operation20K allows you to "tell your story" and truly connect with your prospect letting them know who you are and why you are the right person to team up with.
Don't have a success story yet? No problem! Operation20k allows you to use the success stories of OTHERS to assist you in getting off the ground with Abundant Living System.
Quite simply, it's the best way for you to brand yourself online and experience great success with ALS!
The truth is, our ALS (Abundant Living System) website and system does a GREAT job in showing the ALS program and sharing what we have. However, it's important to brand yourself and show others who you are and why they should gift you! This is where Op20k comes in!
The beauty of it, unlike other marketing systems produced by "top leaders" is that you're branding YOU, NOT the creator of the system!
Think about it...why would you plug into a system that does nothing but promotes and brands the person that created it? I won't mention any names but the other systems out there like this do exactly that! NOT OPERATION 20K!
When you put Operation20k into the mix and let it be the "intro" your prospects receive to Abundant Living System, by the time they get to the ALS website and take our tour, they are more "primed" and ready to go then ever before!
Abundant Living System is truly leading the path in helping its members, and it shows that ALS is on the cutting edge of cash gifting once again...Stay Tuned!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Abundant Living System - Father Of 5 Generates 30k In 33 Days!
Abundant Living System has helped countless individuals in such a short period of time, and the Abundant Living System [ALS]cash gifting success story I'm about to share with you is verifiable with PROOF!
When I decided to accept my inviter's invitation into Abundant Living System, what struck a cord with me is the fact that this individual was a twice bankrupt father of five children, who also experienced the dreading reality of a foreclosure on top of the bankruptcies in 2005.
Abundant Living System went live online on July 17,2008 and my inviter into the ALS cash gifting platform had already generated $6,500.00 in his first week and half and finished off his first thirty three days with a whopping $30,000.00 in cash because of the cash gifting activity known as Abundant Living System (ALS).
Abundant Living System allowed my inviter to purchase a beautiful home in the mountains of the great state of Pennsylvania and also allowed him to retire early from his job of six years so that he could focus on Abundant Living System full time while at the same time be at home with his family.
This Abundant Living System success story is happening for many who've joined as of late and it is certainly happening for me. I've been a part of the ALS - Abundant Living Family now for five weeks and for the first week did not do anything with ALS since I was out of town, yet in the past two weeks alone I've been able to generate $2,550.00 in CASH with another $2,000 in cash gifts pending in my back office.
Please bear in mind that this is the first time I've ever participated in an online cash gifting activity and yes I still operate fifteen different successful affiliate programs that take up the bulk of my time, not to mention my responsibilities as a father of five (my oldest one is in the USMC)and my participation (Asst. Coach) for three of my children's little league baseball teams.
Abundant Living System is a system that I'm able to manage with only 2-3 hours per day and still generate a full time type income with minimal yet effective effort.
My inviter showed me that Abundant Living System was easy to manage with very powerful results. I've now decided to go ahead and spend more time dedicated to Abundant Living System with an extra 2 hours per day dedicated into this great Cash Gifting activity that has changed my life and the lives of others.
If you feel that cash gifting is an activity that you'd like to participate in I encourage you to go ahead and visit my Abundant Living System page or call my toll free cash gifting 24 hour hotline listed on my pic above, so that I may answer any of your questions in regards to this incredible cash gifting activity known as Abundant Living System.
As of this writing my inviter into Abundant Living System has now generated $40,000.00 in only 8 weeks and has five months worth of living expenses put away in his bank account.
The cash ($2,550.00)I've generated in the past two weeks has been achieved ALL with FREE marketing techniques I teach my team members, and also understand that all of the gifts I've received so far came as a result of me joining Abundant Living System as newbie at only the first level of $150 If I can do it...so can you!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Abundant Living System - Members Reach A Milestone!
Abundant Living System members have exchanged two million dollars in cash gifts amongst ourselves in less than sixty days folks, and we have grown to just about one thousand six hundred members worldwide!
Abundant Living System is not even close to becoming saturated like some have worried about, I mean when you place the numbers (stats) in perspective in the past month the words "Cash Gifting" is used over forty thousand times during searches on Google and "Fast Money" over three hundred thousand times!
Folks, Abundant Living System and its members are reaching daily milestones and shattering previous cash gifting records set in the past by other well known cash gifting systems.
What's so amazing is the fact that Abundant Living System (ALS) has only been around sixty days as of tomorrow September 17,2008.
Why is "ALS" Abundant Living System growing at such an unheard of pace? Because Abundant Living System places the needs of the people first and foremost, that's why, not to mention the groundbreaking resources they have in place set for their members such as the call back feature, upgrade credit feature, affordable gifting levels and the awesome website plus much, much more that help the average individual with zero experience generate cash gifts directly to their front door FAST and EASY!
Abundant Living System - ALS will continue to break these and many more milestones on a daily basis, while others try to catch up, yet with no avail, since those who've looked into cash gifting have realized that Abundant Living System is several steps ahead of any other cash gifting activity online...Hands down!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Abundant Living System - Bankruptcy In The Horizon?
Is Abundant Living System going bankrupt too?
This was a question I was asked by someone who called my toll free cash gifting hotline yesterday. Let me be the first to say just like I told the individual who asked this question...ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!
Abundant Living System is NOT a business so bankruptcy is out of the question when it comes to cash gifting, since ALS (Abundant Living System) is a cash gifting platform it is not a business rather a gifting structure of sorts that's been put in place for people, by people.
Todays economic uncertainty is shattering the confidence in people worldwide because of what seems like daily bad financial news from some of the worlds most largest and at one point seemingly untouchable corporate financial giants that have dominated the financial markets for decades!
Abundant Living System is not and could not be in this or any other financial premise since Abundant Living System (ALS) is not a business, let me repeat this for the umph time...It's NOT a business but a cash gifting activity platform.
Abundant Living System and other cash gifting platforms should actually see an increase in folks coming in in record numbers cause when the going gets tough like it is right now people, human beings, tend to gravitate toward each other and most of the folks out there realize and understand the concept and importance of cash gifting especially in volatile times such as this.
So if anyone ask you the question above as I was asked by this individual let that person understand that Abundant Living System is NOT a business and bankruptcy is out of the question for the cash gifting activity period!
Another way to look at it, is like this...If bankruptcy were, and that's really an improbable "if" to occur in Abundant Living System, and, or cash gifting, then the entire earth, and all six and a half billion of its inhabitants would have to be financially insolvent, now what are the real chances of that happening, I mean really folks.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Abundant Living System - Updated [Marketing] Tips
Abundant Living System (ALS) continues to add and update expert marketing tips for all to benefit from, and what makes Abundant Living System so unique as oppose to other cash gifting platforms, is that the marketing techniques shared with members are not the old outdated copy and pasted type stuff that other programs are currently offering.
The internet changes daily folks, and Abundant Living System [ALS] makes certain to stay on top of the ever changing online landscape that is also known as "Online Marketing".
Folks, the months of September, October, and November are the busiest months in cash gifting since most people are trying to generate that extra cash infusion before the holidays (Christmas) and it's very comforting to know that cash gifting and particularly ALS or Abundant Living System is helping many realize this need especially in such difficult worldwide economic times.
If you're sitting on the sidelines not yet convinced that Abundant Living System (cash gifting) is for you, all I can say is this...Click on the link to my video below titled "Abundant Living System - If You're Considering Joining Watch This" and see for yourself how and why Abundant Living System is changing lives one person at a time!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Incentives Being Offered If You Join (Abundant Living System)
Abundant Living System has some people within the activity offering incentives to those who join their so called "Strong Team". Folks think about it...Abundant Living System has such a strong cash gifting platform in place that it does not require an incentive for one to accept an invitation from an inviter and start helping people from around the world while at the same time being helped yourself.
In fact this is where "Cash Gifting" becomes an "Illegal" activity, when you have people not complying by the rules set out within cash gifting and Abundant Living System.
Abundant Living System (ALS), is a...Cash gifting portal, it's not a business, it's not an affiliate program, it's not a network marketing down line type system, it's plain and simply put...A cash gifting activity platform where people (members) help people (members)!
Folks, if anyone approaches you in such a way about accepting an invitation into ALS (Abundant Living System) by offering you an incentive (Laptop,Posting Software,Money,Vacation Package,etc.) please understand that this individual does NOT care about you not one bit since he/she have been told, foretold, and warned thrice again that this type of reckless, unlawful behavior will NOT be tolerated PERIOD!
Abundant Living System has solid rules in place and a solid system standing behind it, and such enticements are not needed, nor are they legal in cash gifting, most importantly they reek a sense of desperation by an individual doing anything and everything just for the sake of money, and that's why I said above that an individual who acts in such a way could care less about you or your needs...All they want is your MONEY!
It's funny how cash gifting and Abundant Living System all of a sudden has these "Expert Gurus" who claim to generate huge amounts of cash and claim to the same for their team members, yet some of these individuals are the ones offering you the sky along with the clouds if you join their Abundant Living System (ALS) team and are not in compliance with law.
In ending, I say this folks...Beware of those out there who will try to entice you into Abundant Living System, and or any cash gifting activity, cause when it's all said and done, they're actually doing you more harm than good...Look at it this way, it's like accepting a ride in a car with a person who's drunk...You're either gonna crash, or get pulled over!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Who Is (Abundant Living System) Reaching?
Abundant Living System is reaching people from all walks of life, from the United States to several countries around the world. ALS, is not just a cash gifting platform, yet a lifestyle for those who utilize the system the way it's been intended to be utilized.
If you're and individual who enjoys helping others and seek to make a real difference in someones life, well Abundant Living System was designed with you in mind, because helping people realize their dreams and desires is what it's all about.
Folks, I operate fifteen and sometimes as much as twenty different very successful affiliate programs online, and I've been doing so for close to two years now, and many of you know my story, if not you can read my bio here or on my Abundant Living System platform, and many have seen my videos where I mostly seek to inspire people to bring out the best in them, and this is the main reason I chose Abundant Living System over other systems, cause I saw the "People First" attribute and I liked it from the start.
Abundant Living System gives anyone who has dreams and desires to take their current financial situation and either turn it around for the better, or add on to the more, a person may already have.
Cash gifting with (ALS)- Abundant Living System will definitely become an inspiring experience for you when you get involved with a "People First" attitude and truly embody the spirit of a servant to those whom can pay forward the same gesture toward someone else coming on board (Abundant Living System).
Thursday, September 11, 2008
[Abundant Living System] - ALS - [Cash Gifting] - Is It Legal?
Folks Cash gifting is legal as long as it's done according to law and not done haphazardly as some out there are doing. Understand that the gifting principle has been around for centuries and people from all walks and cultures generally participate in an gifting activity in one way or another.
Now, what could be considered unlawful may be a system that's put in place that's called a "Cash Gifting" system that may be in non compliance with certain laws. Please make sure that when considering a cash gifting system you do your homework on the system you're considering to participate in, and be certain that the system itself, and how it's operated is in compliance with all of the laws applicable.
Abundant Living System does everything by the book, and is currently the leader in affordable cash gifting. You no longer have to drain your pockets to participate in such a wonderful life changing activity.
I mean think about it...Who wants to dish out $3,500 plus monthly fees for a site that you have to create when you can jump on board with (ALS)(Abundant Living System) for as little as $150 (Cash Gift) and an annual $50 admin fee that will provide you with more than enough to start generating thousands right away!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
(Abundant Living System) Leadership In Question?
Hello everyone, again my desire is that all are doing well in every aspect of life, for which I like to call the four corners of life (Physically,Spiritually,Financially, and Emotionally).
ALS or Abundant Living System as many know is helping people the world over realize one of those four corners (Financially)daily.
"Cash gifting" with "Abundant Living System" requires you to be a leader and I know that some that are reading this may hate what I'm saying because they want to give you the impression that their way is "The Way" yet the fact remains we are all on a continued path to learning the ropes of internet marketing and a life long path to understanding life itself.
Abundant Living System (ALS) is based upon leadership from all angles and if you're reading this right now I want you to realize the fact that leadership qualities are within you already and have been since birth, you just may not realize it.
If you're considering cash gifting with Abundant Living System and think that someone is going to take you by the hand and treat you like an infant, stop what you're doing and reshape your thought process this instant, because that WILL NOT HAPPEN!
Folks, know this one thing....You've got what it takes to lead yourself into financial freedom regardless if you have marketing skills or not, you have leadership qualities that will enable you to build your marketing skills overtime, and these qualities are embedded into every ounce of your DNA...Remember that!
ALS is helping people change their lives with their incredible tools and leadership/mentor training that will help those who've not yet realize their potential in this arena to take their world on by storm!
Folks, as always, God speed, and I'll talk to you soon.
Your Buddy,
Phil Miranda
Monday, September 8, 2008
Family Time With [Abundant Living System]
Folks this weekend was very "Special" to say the least and Abundant Living System has a lot to do with that.
My wife celebrated her 27th high school graduation reunion this past weekend and I felt like staying home and working on a video and catching up some on several of my affiliate websites, but after a few moments (about 1-2 minutes) of consideration I said hey..."You only live moments like these ONCE"!
So we made reservations and decided to go, when all of a sudden my much anticipated check (affiliate check) that I was looking forward in using for this trip did not arrive on time, yet 2 cash gifts in excess of $500 did arrive and they made our trip even that more memorable.
If it were not for Abundant Living System and cash gifting the trip would still have been made, yet I would have had to dig into our savings which I do not like doing, like I know many of you don't
ALS is special because it's the only cash gifting platform that's flawlessly designed with everyone in mind, and allows anyone the opportunity to experience cash gifting success rather quickly, due to an extensive training area that can be found in each members back office.
There are some people that have joined Abundant Living System that are literally generating cash at the equivalent of annual salaries in only 30 days!
I have been able to receive multiple cash gifts daily because of ALS and their amazing program that's fully automated and turnkey in every angle possible. The folks at ALS really thought this thing out before they put it out there.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Abundant Living System - Beware!
Abundant Living System (ALS)is currently the online leader in cash gifting, yet like with any other program you must be discerning when it comes to your inviter into this or any cash gifting activity, especially online.
Cash Gifting is an activity that's based on trust, not greed as I've stated before and what one needs to know before getting involved with Abundant Living System is the fact that cash gifting is NOT a business, investment, or anything pertaining to making money, rather it's all about generating money, receiving cash gifts with no expectations from the giver to receive anything back of value, such as merchandise, benefits, favors or anything as such.
With that being said the person receiving the gift may offer an individual anything they want after the fact, NOT before (Prior to someone accepting an invitation) so that the activity of cash gifting can remain a legal form of itself without any faults or illegalities whatsoever.
Now with such strict rules and measures in place you'll always find someone who thinks that they can bend/break them by adding or taking away from such a life enhancing activity.
Folks, beware of those you see on videos bragging about how much cash they have from cash gifting and how everyone else should feel broke and miserable because they have a job. (How else would gifters receive gifts if it were not for those who may have to hold down a job)
Cash gifting and in particular Abundant Living System is not designed for just anybody, and as long as people see that, everything should work out fine!
Folks if you have any questions into Abundant Living System or Cash Gifting make sure you call my 24 hour toll free cash gifting/abundant living system hotline! 1-866-461-7589
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Abundant Living System and Testimonials - Why These Words Are Powerful!
Websters Dictionary defines the word "Abundant" as a: marked by great plenty (as of resources) b: amply supplied.
The word Testimony is defined by Websters as 1 a (1): the tablets inscribed with the Mosaic law (2): the ark containing the tablets b: a divine decree attested in the Scriptures2 a: firsthand authentication of a fact : evidence b: an outward sign c: a solemn declaration usually made orally by a witness under oath in response to interrogation by a lawyer or authorized public official3 a: an open acknowledgment b: a public profession of religious experience.
Folks, when you allow your mind to ingest these words into the inner core of your super subconscious you are literally embedding a fabric of universal structure into your life that will propel it to another level.
Cash gifting is an activity based on patience, not haste, trust, and honesty, not greed, and dishonesty, and when you factor in such powerful words like "Abundant Living System" and "Testimony" you see first hand that excitement and joy loom in the air.
Society is filled with Abundance, yet many fail to acknowledge it, or in some cases accept it cause of misconceived notions of guilt and or fear about truly experiencing abundant living in every area of life not just monetarily , but with a sense of passion that is literally the framework of our being and for us to share and "Testify" about the greatness instilled within each of us.
Abundant Living System redefines what online cash gifting is all about and that is why they offer a testimonial hotline so that members of this great activity have an opportunity to share with visitors why they feel so strongly about cash gifting and ALS.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
abundantlivingsystem.com questions and concerns!
Recently Abundant Living System members generated $1,000,000.00 in cash gifts amongst themselves in only 30 short days and some folks are literally retiring from their jobs because they've been able to generate a years salary within a 30 day time frame...AMAZING!
I've posted a response video on YouTube on this topic and I've added a link right here that you may click on so that you may see for yourself what my answer to the question and concerns about Abundant Living System being overly saturated.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
$1,000,000.00 Cash In The First 45 Days!

For those of you who may have heard of cash gifting, Abundant Living System is a fully automated online system that was launched around July 8, 2008 with an unbelievable rate of success for its members to the tune of $1,000,000.00 in cash gifts being exchanged between members in 1 1/2 months in operation.
The strong attributes about Abundant Living System is the fact that anyone can participate in this cash gifting activity once they've been invited with a very minimal upfront gift of $150 plus a $50 one time annual admin fee that will provide an individual with a professionally designed, fully automated, turnkey website that's so simple to navigate even a five year old child can do it.
Why Abundant Living System? Well the answer to this question is quite simple!
1)Minimal gift to get started ($150).
2)Fully automated, easy to use, turnkey, professionally designed website.
3)Superior training and support.
Now, I know that other cash gifting programs exist, yet the fact remains, that right at this very moment, none can even come close to what Abundant Living System is providing to the beginning cash gifter all the way to the big dogs.
if you're considering accepting an invitation into a cash gifting activity look around first and read between the lines of every program out there while finding your way back to the system that has rewritten the blueprint to cash gifting...Abundant Living System.
[abundant living system] [cash gifting] [free money] [youtube cash gifting videos]
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Abundant Living System - ALS a System Designed For Everyone!
I know first hand what this system is doing in my life and the lives of many others.
When Abundant Living System was designed they had EVERYONE in mind, not just the big dogs but the pups too.
Here's what you receive to assist you in inviting others into this private activity:
- Professionaly Designed and Highly Captivating Lead Capture Page at NO ADDITIONAL COST OR MONTHLY FEE......YES.....You read that correctly...we're NOT charging an EXTRA fee like most other programs do in order to have this EXACT website at your disposal! We at ALS understand that your marketing website is the #1 most crucial tool for you to have in your marketing tool belt in order to succeed with this activity. That is why we're not taking advantage of you like most other programs do and making you PAY EXTRA for something we KNOW you "Gotta Have"!
- Robust and Highly Effective Prospect/Contact Management System
Generating leads and prospects for ALS is the EASY part! MANAGING those leads/prospects is one of the more challenging parts of running an automated cash machine like ALS IF you don't have the right tools in place to assist you in doing it! Well...ALS takes care of this one for you as well! Every lead or opt-in that comes through YOUR PERSONALIZED ALS capture page will automatically be placed into YOUR contact management system where you may organize, track and record your progress with each of your leads. You may set follow up reminders that will be delivered to your email and or cell phone on the days you specify. You may add notes to your prospects which will help you remember important parts of your conversations, and you may also communicate with your team and prospects in one easy to use communication portal! We have everything you need to run a successful, and ABUNDANT ALS activity.
- ALS Team Leaders Will Handle ALL Your Call Back Requests If You Choose To Utilize Their Services!
If you choose to utilize this feature, ALS team leaders will CALL BACK ALL of your prospects that request a call back through our system. This creates a TRUE, TURN-KEY CASH AVALNCHE SYSTEM FOR YOU and all you have to do is drive traffic and invite people to see what we have! We handle the rest. NO PICKING UP THE PHONE IF YOU DON'T WANT TO!
- Your Own ALS Tracking Center
Keeping track of your team and progress with ALS has never been easier. You will receive exclusive access to your own ALS members area which includes your own ALS tracking center! Here, we will keep track of your progress as you invite others to join this activity. Our signup process is SIMPLE, USER-FRIENDLY and is designed to do one thing...ALLOW YOU TO RECEIVE GIFTS QUICKLY AND WITHOUT HASSLE! Other programs have a very challenging and often times, complicated sign up process which GETS IN YOUR WAY of receiving the maximum number of gifts possible! NOT US! Here's how simple it is for you and others to get started with ALS:- Enter your email into a form.
- Fill out a short registration form.
- Log in to your NEWLY created ALS members area.
- Send your gift and admin fee using the instructions PROVIDED TO YOU.
- Enter overnight tracking numbers to notify your inviter that you are sending them a gift.
- WAIT for your inviter to receive their gift the following day and WALLA...you're now a member of ALS ready to create massive cash avalaches direct to your doorstep!
You see...the INCREDIBLE thing about this my friend is that you don't have to do any of this. You shouldn't have to stress over how to receive your gift once you have someone that wants to send you something! Furthermore, ALS does NOT want to get in your way of you receiving that gift like many other programs do believe it or not!
- Exclusive, EXPERT Training
ALS realizes it's NOT ENOUGH to provide you with a lead capture page and incredible marketing system like ours. Having these things is 100% USELESS UNLESS YOU KNOW HOW TO DRIVE TRAFFIC! We take care of this for you as well by providing you with expert training in the areas of online AND offline marketing! In your ALS members area you can conveniently watch and listen to audios and or videos detailing how to invite others to your ALS website through the use of online marketing campaigns such as:- Pay Per Click
- Solo Ad Marketing
- Web 2.0 Marketing (Video Marketing, Social Media Marketing Etc)
- FREE Classified Ad Marketing
- Article Marketing
- SEO and Search Rankings
- Access to Our World Wide Monthly Marketing Co-Op
We have made driving traffic and getting opt-ins as simple as paying a small monthly fee, sitting back, relaxing and LETTING US DO ALL OF THE MARKETING ON YOUR BEHALF! WHAT??? ARE WE CRAZY?! Some would say YES! However we are so sick and tired of seeing people fail online! We know that you may or may not have the experience and or desire to learn how to effectively drive traffic to your new ALS website. We also know you may work a full time J.O.B. or have other duties during the day that would keep you from devoting the time and effort neccesary to making this work. THAT'S OKAY! By simply paying a small fee of $200 each month you'd like to participate, we'll plug you into our WORLD-WIDE, ONLINE AND OFFLINE MARKETING CO-OP! Through this co-op we will be driving traffic to YOUR WEBSITE through the means of:- Pay Per Click
- Solo Ad Marketing
- Web 2.0 Marketing
- Article Marketing
- SEO and Search Rankings
- Post Cards
Thursday, August 7, 2008
What is Cash Gifting? Is it a Scam? Well Let's Review Cash Gifting and Find Out!
Imagine, you're up late one night scouring the internet searching for a way to make "quick cash" especially in the times we currently live in with gasoline prices on an continual climb, and food/housing prices following suit, and now your paycheck does not stretch itself like it did in the past even though you've cut back on eating out, you've cut back on using too much electricity, you've cut back on your cable expenses by switching over to the basic channels while dropping all premium channels, you've also started carpooling, something you despised in the past and do so even more now, cause you know it's only going to get worse.
Well, instead of imagining this scenario, and I'm not a betting man, yet I'd say that the above description is more reality than imagination.
For now let's keep the scenario above just that...a scenario! Let me get back to where I left off.
Now after doing your search on Google, you come across a zillion pages promising fast money, next day cash, payday offers, credit card offers, home business opportunities, affiliate marketing plans, MLM, and network marketing businesses, and a host of other money making pitches, but of all the offers mentioned one catches your eye, and it does so because of the headlines that may read something like: ("Make An Easy $500-$3,500 Cash Each Day") and now you're curious so you click on the accompanying link and wind up landing on a site that may have a video, and testimonials of average folks just like you receiving hundreds or even thousands of dollars in cash delivered to their very own doorstep.
Your natural reaction is, "Yeah Right"! How legit can this truly be? I bet it's a scam, I bet these people are hired actors being paid for their testimonials.
I for one will tell you that your reaction is a conditioned reaction. Conditioned reaction?
Yes, a conditioned reaction is a reaction based on how we've been conditioned to think through out time, while growing up either by our parents, teachers, or some other authoritative figure in our society that's helped condition our thought behavioral process into believing fiction as fact or vise versa.
With that being said some things are fact, for example when your parents or any authoritative figure in your life told you to look both ways before you crossed a street, because you could get hit by a car if you did not take heed to this advise, this warning was based on fact.
Now the perceptive or ignorant mind would conjure up something like: "Millionaires are born...Not made"! or "Everyone who's rich must be shady" or, "You can't get something for nothing". Yet, these same people who make such statements would be the first ones in line to get a FREE offer their local department store may be offering or their local sandwich shop.
Now let's define the word SCAM.
Websters dictionary defines the word scam as such: "a fraudulent or deceptive act or operation".
When it comes to cash gifting, it's a concept that has been around for many years, in fact the concept of gifting whether it's cash, food, housing, etc. has been around for centuries.
Today, if a person is affiliated, with a group, or religious organization and they're in need of financial assistance ("offering or love gift") which usually consist of cash and other items is given to that person with the group or organization desiring nothing back in return, only that the person being helped gets back on their feet and returns to financial solvency.
Cash gifting is a concept embraced by private groups of individuals and has been in existence for many years. Cash gifting does not involve network marketing, multi-level marketing, or a business or commercial activity.
There are no business transactions, investments and/or securities involved in this activity. There is no business or company name or location and there are no directors, officers, shareholders or principals. Individuals simply support each other in a team or group concept and help change lives.
The concept of cash gifting is based upon the fact that both American and Canadian citizens have the Constitutional right to gift property, cash and other assets, and are subject to the rules and regulations established by the laws. The U.S. gifting rules are found in the IRS Tax Code, Title 26, Sections 2501-2504 and 2511.
Is Cash Gifting A Legal Activity?
The Law states that one or more individuals can give a gift to another individual of up to $12,000 cash each, per calendar year without any tax liability to either the giver, or receiver of the gift, because the tax on the gift has already been paid.
In my qualified review of cash gifting it clearly shows that the word "scam" does not apply to this activity and that the perceptions about gifting are clearly and surely leaning toward much more positive reactions from the hundreds of thousands of people worldwide whom are greatly, and yes easily benefiting financially from this legitimate group activity.
I would more than happily answer any of your questions about the cash gifting activity if you so simply and kindly CLICK HERE To Ask Me More!