Abundant Living System has added a really cool feature to our members back page.
Now when your prospects hit this page, they will be greeted by a virtual guide that will introduce how the call back system works. This is just ONE of the many enhancements (ALS) Abundant Living System is implementing!
Abundant Living System top leaders put together a fail proof marketing system that will go hand in hand with the current Abundant Living System platform.
When I saw this I said to myself.."Wow...every [Abundant Living System]ALS member should have this!"
Operation20k and Abundant Living System - ALS have teamed up to bring you an incredible "SELF BRAND ABLE" marketing system that will truly assist you in generating more opt ins, call backs and gifts then you can even imagine and it all ties into your ALS website.
You may be asking yourself...why do I need Operation20K?
It's simple...Operation20K allows you to "tell your story" and truly connect with your prospect letting them know who you are and why you are the right person to team up with.
Don't have a success story yet? No problem! Operation20k allows you to use the success stories of OTHERS to assist you in getting off the ground with Abundant Living System.
Quite simply, it's the best way for you to brand yourself online and experience great success with ALS!
The truth is, our ALS (Abundant Living System) website and system does a GREAT job in showing the ALS program and sharing what we have. However, it's important to brand yourself and show others who you are and why they should gift you! This is where Op20k comes in!
The beauty of it, unlike other marketing systems produced by "top leaders" is that you're branding YOU, NOT the creator of the system!
Think about it...why would you plug into a system that does nothing but promotes and brands the person that created it? I won't mention any names but the other systems out there like this do exactly that! NOT OPERATION 20K!
When you put Operation20k into the mix and let it be the "intro" your prospects receive to Abundant Living System, by the time they get to the ALS website and take our tour, they are more "primed" and ready to go then ever before!
Abundant Living System is truly leading the path in helping its members, and it shows that ALS is on the cutting edge of cash gifting once again...Stay Tuned!
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